Before this assignment, I only thought of GIFs as just another method of sharing something that we thought funny. As someone who enjoys memes, I have enjoyed many GIFs and would categorize it as such. Besides the history and origin of GIFs, What really stuck out to me were the different uses and platforms that GIFs have to offer beyond the memes.

GIFs are funny, serious, to create attention. Any of these are common uses among GIFs. If you are at a train station or airport and you see their logo moving on a screen, that’s a GIF. I never realized that GIFs can take on many different forms besides a meme.

In my last blog post, I wrote all about Boomerang. When I was done creating my GIFs in photoshop, I researched and wrote a whole blog post about how an apps feature is very similar to GIFs, making it become one.

GIFs come in all shape and sizes, and comes across and virtual platform and real life setting. They are more important and valuable, they are what ever we want them to be.
